“Rihana” is a powerful play produced in collaboration between El-Pergola Puppet Theatre and the Egyptian Feminist Union as part of the “Don’t Be Afraid” campaign. The story highlights a young girl’s bravery as her teacher harasses her, leading her to spiral into self-isolation and depression. When she finds the courage to confide in her parents, her mother shifts the blame onto her, but her father offers unwavering support. Empowered by her father’s backing, they collect and present similar classmates’ testimonies to the school. However, the school’s principal refuses to dismiss the predatory teacher, setting off a gripping chain of events. The play features several beautiful songs woven throughout, adding depth and emotion to the narrative.
The script was developed after conducting multiple interviews with psychiatrists and families whose children had experienced harassment, delving into the reasons for children’s silence and fear, the impact of harassment on them, and ways to address and heal from it.
Written and Directed by: Rania Refaat
Songs by: Mahmoud Abdel Razek Gomaa
Music by: Essam Nasser
Set Design by: Allaa Mahmoud
Costume Design by: Reem Shaheen
Puppet Creation, Manipulation, and Acting by: El-Pergola Team