A superhuman is a person who knows everything, never makes mistakes, is always strong, happy, successful, and loved … he is the ideal model that all turn to and dream to resemble!
The holy mission of parents begins by teaching their children about the Superman model and pushing them with all the power they possess to become superhuman!
Children are not allowed to make mistakes, commit folly or ask naïve questions. They are not allowed to fall behind in school or be in second places in the classroom. As the superhuman always achieves the first rank.
Then children grow up a bit, and realize that they are not “superhuman”, that they are less than others, that they make mistakes because they are stupid, and that they will never get their parents’ love … So, their laughter fades and their eyes become hollow!
Teenage years and struggles begin. The strength of their youth gives them hope to become that superhuman, they strive more and more to prove themselves, yet they face mocking and criticism from everyone, including with parents. “You are not as clever as this person, so do not talk with such confidence! You are not as beautiful as that girl; so, do not think you are like her! Thus, the confidence of the young boy and girl shatters, and they become blind to their merits and strengths, which leads to psychological illnesses and misery.
Parents choose their children’s way, study, work, marriage, and maybe even the number of their children. Why not? The children now know a terrible truth, that they are not superhuman, and therefore they are incapable of proper thinking, unable to make the right choices, to see the best for them and therefore the “super” parents must support them, think and decide for them in an attempt to get their children even a little respect in society, and not be exposed as weaklings.
Children keep on the road that was drawn to them, and their feelings gradually dull, their minds rust, and their drive fades. They walk with heavy, dismal steps, in harmony with those around them, to finally get the stamp of “adaptive”!
It is a journey that every human being must go through in our society, the journey of self-undermining and destruction, the journey away from his reality and clinging to the “Superhuman” illusion.
God has created us differently, each of us has his own strengths and weaknesses. So why are we obsessed with being similar? Why this panic of making mistakes? How does one learn if not by making mistakes? We learn by experience, and experience means the possibility of error, and error means learning right. The Superhuman model has eliminated our happiness, appreciation for ourselves and our ability to enjoy our success.
We must now end the ongoing torture of our children. We must see, understand, accept and encourage them. We must understand that by constantly criticizing them, we break their personality’s backbone, which is their own confidence. We have to understand that we are transforming them from a successful person into a failure by introducing this crazy fantasy model of the “Superhuman”
The real problem in our society lies in us. In our great ability to destroy others, not to accept differences and even fight them, and not to respect our weaknesses and the weaknesses of others. It is a curse, passed down from generation to generation, poisoned ideas kill all new things, all life and emotions inside us that have been insulted, have returned to take revenge, by undermining and belittling the feelings of others.
Our homeland has become an arena for struggle and revenge, all this because of the virus called “Superhuman”! It is time to look in the mirror and say confidently: I am a human being, I have the right to make mistakes, I have the right to try, and it is my right to be happy with my successes, even if small. It is my right to be unique and never a copy of anyone else. Likewise, it is my right to have all my choices respected, even if they seem ridiculous to others. It is my right to love myself as I am …
When we accept ourselves, we will understand them, our struggles will cease and end, and our anger will end to enable us to start enjoying the freedom of our lives full of confidence in our ability to do the impossible …
Rania Refaat